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VU Meter for channel volume levels

Volume levels can be consumed through the VuProcessor class, fully separated from the MasterChannel class. The VU information is published through streams, separated by channel. Please be aware that only channels on the master bus are available.

Call on VuProcessorDescription
input(2)Input 2
line(1)Line Input 1
player(1)Player channel 1
aux(2)AUX channel 2
fx(3)FX channel 3
sub(3)Sub group 3

Each of the method calls directly returns an Observable that can be subscribed to. The streams emit objects with different VU values. They are always published as linear values between 0 and 1.

// for input channels
vuPre: 0.5; // input level before processing (EQ, Gate, Comp)
vuPost: 0.5; // level after processing, represented by the blue bars in the Web UI
vuPostFader: 0.5; // actual channel output level, represented by the colored bars in the Web UI

The vuPre field is only available on input channels (input, player and line). Master, FX and Sub groups publish stereo information, so the object is structured as follows:

// for FX, sub group and master
vuPostL: 0.3,
vuPostR: 0.3,
vuPostFaderL: 0.4,
vuPostFaderR: 0.4,

Processing of the VU information happens lazily: VU messages from the mixer are ignored until the first VU stream is subscribed to. The messages are only processed if VU information is actually consumed.

All channels

The vuData$ field on VuProcessor publishes a raw object with all channel VU information available. This can be used to process all information at once, e.g. for a VU meter dashboard across all channels.


VU values in dB

All VU values are linear values between 0 and 1. To express the level in dB you need to project the value to the dB range of the meter (-80..0 dB). The exported utility function vuValueToDB() helps with that task and can be used as follows:

.pipe(map(data => vuValueToDB(data.vuPostFaderL)))
.subscribe(/* ... */);