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Shows, Snapshots and Cues

Shows and their snapshots/cues can be loaded by providing their names to the following method calls. There will be no check whether a show with the given name actually exists. Information about the currently loaded show, snapshot or cue is also available.

The ShowController object is available in conn.shows and supports these operations:

currentShow$Currently loaded show
currentSnapshot$Currently loaded snapshot
currentCue$Currently loaded cue
loadShow(showName)Load a show by its name
loadSnapshot(showName, snapshotName)Load a snapshot in a show by its name
loadCue(showName, cueName)Load a cue in a show by its name
saveSnapshot(showName, snapshotName)Save a snapshot in a show. This will overwrite an existing snapshot.
saveCue(showName, cueName)Save a cue in a show. This will overwrite an existing cue.
updateCurrentSnapshot()Update/overwrite the currently loaded snapshot
updateCurrentCue()Update/overwrite the currently loaded cue

Please be aware that no confirmation is required when snapshots or cues are saved. Be careful not to overwrite existing parts by accident.


The Mixer Web App shows a hierarchical order of Show > Snapshot > Cue. However, in the protocol, cues are contained in shows, which is why loadCue() accepts a show and a cue as parameters, but no snapshot.