SOLO and Headphone Buses
SOLO and Headphone Outputs live on separate internal buses that have individual volume faders in the settings section of the web app.
Get access to a VolumeBus
object through conn.volume
Call | Description |
conn.volume.solo | SOLO Level |
conn.volume.headphone(1) | Headphone 1 Level |
conn.volume.headphone(2) | Headphone 2 Level |
A VolumeBus
supports the following operations (which are quite similar to all other fadeable channels):
Call on VolumeBus | Description |
name$ | Get readable name of the channel |
faderLevel$ | Get fader level (between 0 and 1 ) |
faderLevelDB$ | Get fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10 ) |
setFaderLevel(value) | Set fader level (between 0 and 1 ) |
setFaderLevelDB(dbValue) | Set fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10 ) |
changeFaderLevelDB(offsetDB) | Change fader level relatively by adding a given value (in dB) |
fadeTo(value, fadeTime) | Fade channel to value (between 0 and 1 ) |
fadeToDB(value, fadeTime) | Fade channel to dB value (between -Infinity and 10 ) |