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Generic Channel Operations

All channels on all buses have similar behavior. Therefore, these operations are available for any channel like MasterChannel, FxChannel or AuxChannel:

Fader Level

faderLevel$Get fader level (between 0 and 1)
faderLevelDB$Get fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10)
setFaderLevel(value)Set fader level (between 0 and 1)
setFaderLevelDB(dbValue)Set fader level in dB (between -Infinity and 10)
changeFaderLevelDB(offsetDB)Change fader level relatively by adding a given value (in dB)
fadeTo(value, fadeTime)Fade channel to value (between 0 and 1)
fadeToDB(value, fadeTime)Fade channel to dB value (between -Infinity and 10)


setMute(value)Set mute for channel (0 or 1)
mute()Mute channel
unmute()Unmute channel
toggleMute()Toggle mute status
mute$Get mute status (0 or 1)

Other operations

name$Get readable name of the channel
setName(name)Set name of the channel (20 characters maximum)