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AUX Sends

Get access to a AuxBus object with conn.aux(busNumber). Then pick one of the available AuxChannel objects:

conn.aux(3).input(2)Input 2 on AUX bus 3
conn.aux(3).line(1)Line Input 1 on AUX bus 3
conn.aux(3).player(1)Player channel 1 on AUX bus 3
conn.aux(3).fx(3)FX channel 3 on AUX bus 3

An AuxChannel supports the following operations:

Call on AuxChannelDescription
all generic channel operations
pan(value)Set pan for channel (between 0 and 1). Not possible for mono AUX!
pre()Set channel to PRE
post()Set channel to POST
togglePost()Toggle PRE/POST status
setPost(value)Set POST (1) or PRE (0)
preProc()Set channel to PRE PROC
postProc()Set channel to POST PROC
setPostProc(value)Set POST PROC (1) or PRE PROC (0)
post$Get POST status (0 for PRE, 1 for POST)
pan$Get pan value (between 0 and 1)