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Multitrack Recording

The Ui24R features multi-track recording. The MultiTackRecorder object can be retrieved via conn.recorderMultiTrack. It supports the following operations:

Call on MultiTrackRecorderDescription
state$Current state (playing, stopped, paused) as a value of the MtkState enum. Please be aware that the values are different from PlayerState.
session$Current session name (e.g. 0001 or individual name)
length$Current session length in seconds
elapsedTime$Elapsed time of current session in seconds
remainingTime$Remaining time of current session in seconds
recording$Recording state (0 or 1)
busy$Recording busy state (0 or 1)
recordingTime$Recording time in seconds
soundcheck$Soundcheck activation state
recordToggle()Toggle recording
recordStart()Start recording
recordStop()Stop recording
activateSoundcheck()Activate soundcheck
deactivateSoundcheck()Deactivate soundcheck
toggleSoundcheck()Toggle soundcheck
setSoundcheck(value)Set soundcheck (activate or deactivate) (0 or 1)

To select channels for multi-track recording, the MasterChannel itself offers the corresponding interface. After getting access to a MasterChannel input or line channel (e.g. conn.master.input(1)), the following operations are available:

Call on MasterChannelDescription
multiTrackSelected$Multitrack selection state for the channel (0 or 1)
multiTrackSelect()Select this channel for multitrack recording
multiTrackUnselect()Remove this channel from multitrack recording
multiTrackSelect()Toggle multitrack recording for this channel

Please note that multitrack selections will only apply to single channels. Stereo-linked channels will not be selected automatically.