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Media Player

The Media Player can be accessed through conn.player. This object exposes the following properties and methods:

Call on PlayerDescription
state$Current state (playing, stopped, paused) as a value of the PlayerState enum
playlist$Current playlist name
track$Current track name
length$Current track length in seconds
elapsedTime$Elapsed time of current track in seconds
remainingTime$Remaining time of current track in seconds
shuffle$Shuffle setting (0 or 1)
next()Next track
prev()Previous track
loadPlaylist(playlist)Load a playlist by name. playlist is the name of the playlist/folder
loadTrack(track, playlist)Load a track from a given playlist. track and playlist are the file/folder names as seen in the Web UI.
setShuffle(value)Set player shuffle setting (0 or 1)
toggleShuffle()Toggle player shuffle setting
setPlayMode(value)Set player mode like manual or auto. Values are rather internal, please use convenience functions below.
setManual()Enable manual mode
setAuto()Enable automatic